Nencki Railway Technology is the leading manufacturer of bogie test stands. Nencki offers a suitable solution with the latest technology for every requirement through continuous further development of new types, components, test functions, controls and software.


NBT Duoglide: The next generation of bogie testing

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  • Precise testing of the bogie parameters
  • Precise testing of the bogie parameters
  • Testing according to international standards with corresponding documentation
  • For tests up to 2 x 250 kN
  • For demanding testing of the bogies of various rail vehicles such as high-speed trains, railroads, metros etc.
  • Final inspection of the newly produced, overhauled or revised bogies
  • Reduction of the test cycle through automation

Other NENCKI bogie test stand models and functions


NBT Basic

nbt light
The economic machine for small workshops and few bogies 

NBT Loco

nbt loco

For 3 and 2 axle bogies up to 40 t weight



Video “Competence in bogie testing”




download pdf integrated bogie workshop

Integrated Bogie Workshop (.pdf)

integrated bogie workshop

Integrated Bogie Workshop